We had the first meeting of our knitting club on Thursday evening. It went really well with the youngies and the oldies all mixing in well and helping each other out. In the excitement of it all, my daughter suddenly forgot to knit and I spent most of the night unpicking, but otherwise it was great to see 15 year olds to 68 year olds all mixing in together.
These are a couple of our very enthusiastic younger members. You may recognise one of them from the cover of the latest knitonthenet
We even had a chappie
But what we haven't got is a name for our group. We don't want to call it a stitch 'n bitch or a knit and natter but a name would be good. It can't be TLC, as, unfortunately we're not all teens, and also the TLC group will carry on seperately at home. Would love to hear if anyone has any good ideas. We were all useless and came up with absolutely nothing. Please help.
My back is still driving me insane but I've decided not to say anymore about it as I'm bored of hearing myself moaning. So suffice to say, its not better, its interfering with knitting and sewing output but I'm not going to mention it again.
I have only 40 rows left of Anne's Shawl.
Its very difficult to photo as its all bundled up on the needles but I'm hoping it will be ready for blocking in the next day or two when I'll get a photo of it. I've managed to keep it on straight needles up to this point which gives the work much more support, so I'm hoping to stay on them until the end.
I also had a very exciting, top secret meeting on Friday about something very exciting taking place in the summer. Its not quite confirmed yet so I can't say anymore but as soon as it is I'll let you know the details. But I'm very, very excited!
And finally, I love this photo of two of the girlies after the knitting club. I love the fact that young people are embracing and actually shouting about their love of the craft. When I was 15 I was the only person I knew who knitted and sewed. There was no internet, no groups, no sharing. The knitting world is a great place right now.
for now,
Ruby xx
Knitters Without Borders?
What a great knitting group that sounds and so good to have male company too. What about The unpicky knitters?!
I've given you a wee award -come and see!
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