

Peggy Sue

& Betty

They are 19 weeks old and in three days we have already had three eggs. They have settled in wonderfully and are completely captivating and have absorbed me totally over the long weekend taking my mind off more worrying matters. Dolly and Peggy Sue are like peas in a pod and follow each other round. Dolly actually has more black feathers in her tail than Peggy Sue so you can tell the difference. Gertie is the oldest and has already got her comb, but the other three aren't far behind. She's definately the boss but the others are getting more confident each day.
I will be back in a couple of days with a 1940s evening dress - finished, Two garments out of Stitch in Time - finished, Galliano sweater - sewing up in progress, Mary Quant original 1960s sweater dress - sewing up in progress.
Take care everyone,
speak very soon,
for now
Ruby xxx