Vintage Knitting, Retro Dressmaking, Make do and Mend, Original and Vintage Inspired Knitting Patterns, Vintage Inspired books

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pioneer Laundry Mystery Pattern

Folded up inside an old knitting book I found two sheets of paper from the Pioneer Laundry -

I don't know where the Pioneer Laundry was but as can be seen they are the van salesman's summary sheets of work taken in, given back and money taken - all in pounds, shillings and pence (d) - so pre-decimal. On the back of the two sheets is typed a knitting pattern. It is stated as using 'extra double knitting wool' using old UK 4 and 6 needles which interestingly are 5 and 6 mm needles respectively. There are no finished work measurements or pictures given so it is very much a mystery knitting project. Here are the two pages of the pattern below:

I have yet to attempt knitting this pattern, but if anyone would really like to give it a try email me and I can send you a better quality pdf version of the pattern. I would really love to see what this pattern could look like. There is the odd mistake that I've spotted in the typing but I think thats part of the fun of solving the mystery by also sorting out the mistakes. There are also no sewing up instructions and no tension quoted! It does say it is to fit sizes 36 and 38 inches so gives us a bit of a clue as to likely finished dimensions. Maybe this could be the first of many mystery knitting patterns that we can all solve. I have been sent another far more complicated mystery pattern that maybe we could move on to if any one finds these things as interesting as I do!

I would also love to hear from anyone who has other examples of patterns like this, typed or handwritten, with no real explanation of the project to be undertaken. They would fit quite nicely with a major project I am starting on in the new year but I will tell you about that nearer the time.

for now
Ruby xxx

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Perfect Christmas with the Andrews Sisters

The single most exciting thing for me this week was the release of The Perfect Christmas Jumper from Vintage Christmas Knits as a downloadable PDF. You can also use the link in the right hand column of the blog to download the pattern on ravelry. It can now be bought individually for £3.00 but it also means all the lovely readers who have pre-ordered Vintage Christmas and start knitting their christmas jumpers (if they want to of course!) I have just heard today of the first casting on which is really, really exciting. I can't wait to see photos of finished winter woollies. Some of the pages of the PDF and the book have been such fun to put together and I think, look just right for the period and the books they are emulating. I can't wait to show you the rest of the patterns I've been working on!

I have also been 'attending' one of Stefanie Japel's online classes. In actual fact, the class I have been doing online, is 'How to teach an online class'. I am hoping that in 2010 I will be able to offer vintage inspired online knitting (and hopefully dressmaking) classes. As a teacher I'm finding the potential behind this really exciting - being able to make contact with people all over the world who otherwise you might never get the chance to connect with. So over the christmas period I will be thinking of a selection of online classes to make available. Is there anything in particular you would like to learn? I've got lots of ideas of my own but would be really interested to know what appeals to you. It would be a great help to know I'm heading in the right direction.

There are a lot of plans beginning to come together for 2010 which will involve, naturally, a heck of a lot of work. On that front I now have a wonderful freelance, part time, long way away assistant, who I already couldn't do without. This is Ingrid, and you can read her own craft adventures on her blog, IngridNation. She is also now writing, very regularly, on the knitonthenet blog and dealing with a lot of queries that come through by email and also on ravelry groups. She is brilliant. On this point of too much to do, I am looking for knitters, preferably in the North West of England (so I can meet up with you in person) for sample knitting for all types of projects. I need experienced knitters who can understand a pattern and who can identify when something isn't working. If you are interested please contact me at ruby[at]dentrassis(dot)com. I probably won't sort anything out until the new year but it would be good to know if there's anyone out there who would like to get involved.

And finally, with 12 days to go until christmas what better way to start counting down than with the wonderful Andrew Sisters with their rendition of The Twelve Days of Christmas with that old crooner, Bing Crosby. Enjoy!

for now,
Ruby xxx