The deckchairs before everyone arrived.

My little stand

the stand from another angle - here you can see the motoring hood with the simply perfect corsage worn as a brooch.

Here I am with Jen from The Knitter. Jen wore her long gloves especially for me! and was trying really hard to be well behaved and ladylike.

What the girls from the knitting mags really get up to on their nights off!

The adorable little bed jacket paired with the skating skirt.

The perfect combination

The gorgeous Skein Queen who brought the lovely yarn above and had a stand alongside mine.

There was lots of tea.

And lots of cake!

There was even a display all about the pleasures of tea drinking.
We all had a really lovely night thanks to all the Outcasts, who worked so hard to make sure the evening went so well and thank you everyone for coming along and joining in the fun.
for now
Ruby xxx
1 comment :
beautiful clothes and gorgeous cakes and teacups and just too lovely - wish I was there with you!yek
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