Only 24 hours after returning from Bournemouth I set off on my next journey. This time all the way to Shetland for Shetland Wool Week. it has been several years since I have travelled alone. Gavin and I, with working together, tend to travel together, so this long journey was a big and important one, proving to myself I was still able to travel alone. And of course I did, and enjoyed the journey very very much. I arrived in Shetland on Sunday 7th October and the action packed week that it was went by in a flash. So here are just a few images to remind me of the great time I had at
Shetland Wool Week:
discussing my cardigan! |
Working hard |
learning to knit a hap with the lovely Gudrun |
A tiny tiny hap in progress |
Native and natural organic Shetland wool |
Beautiful Cockleshell scarf using organic Shetland wool
Kate Davies capturing this incredible black lace shawl by Sue Arthur on display at the Textile Museum
How to pick a prize winning fleece
A very handsome native Shetland white ram lamb |
for now
Ruby xx
P.S. I'm afraid blogger has been very tempremental this evening so I've been brief as I have to admit to running out of patience with it!
1 comment :
Aw I love these souvenirs from your Shetland travels! Thank you for posting them. I especially like the nice ram lamb!!!
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