It has been empty - in fact, derilict for eight years and a truely beautiful renovation has taken place, completely sympathetic to the original building whilst making it a contemporary, useable space.

At the show I had the opportunity to meet and have a lovely chat with one of my favourite textile artists, Alison Willoughby. I first saw her work about three years ago at an exhibition at my local art gallery. Alison produces fabulous circular skirts constructed in the most amazing ways. These are a couple of them

They are just fantastic.
What was really great was that I had just bought both myself and Charlie, a copy of her book 49 and a half skirts - this cover is of the US edition printed by Interweave which is just called 49 skirts, but other than the cover the two books are identical.

It has inspired us both, and Charlie had already started planning her first Willoughby skirt. Its a great book with guidance on many of the techniques Alison uses to achieve the effects that she does. There is also a circular skirt pattern at the back of the book to help you get started.
It was lovely to meet Alison, she was extremely friendly and happy to talk to all her fans - even those of us who got giddy with excitement!
On the knitting front, I have nothing I can reveal right at this moment, I have just sent off a project that is being included in a book! And other than that am working away on designs for knitonthenet which are due to be photographed very soon. I'm using silks, cottons and hemp yarns this time. I will hopefully have a couple of little sneak previews shortly.
for now
Ruby xx