wearing the beret at a 'jaunty' angle

the back view

giving her mother 'lip'

close up of the pattern
The pattern states one ball of Cocoon. You only just have enough. On the green one I've missed the last two rows of working straight out of the pattern to have enough left to cast off. Charlie just managed to get the full pattern out of hers. Other than that though, its a really enjoyable, quick to knit pattern. Great for presents.
On the same day I took photos of a couple of projects I was working on for the I Knit day. There will be two free patterns from me in the programme that's given away on the day. This is a little teaser from one of them.

Does anyone remember those halcyon days when Elle used to print a monthly knitting pattern? My friend Julie lent me this one that she found buried deep in her collection.

A John Galliano knitting pattern! Not only that but it is gorgeous. I am desperate to start knitting this but know that I can't yet. Its done in Jaeger Matchmaker 4ply, of which I have mountains. The body is knitted in one piece from front to back, folded in half and sewn up. The neck - inside of the cable cross over - is knitted by picking up stitches on both sides of the cross over. There is then also a placket and a seperate collar. The sleeves work so well too with the cross over cable at the bottom of the sleeve rather than at the top like the front.
Seeing Galliano's name on a knitting pattern reminded me of a Pinguoin booklet I used to have from the 1980's. It was called Pinguoin Creatures. There was more than one of these, but this particular edition had patterns from Jean Paul Gaultier, Azzedine Alaia and I think Anthony Price and Sonia Rykiel. Does anyone else remember this? Does anyone have a copy or know where a copy may exist? I would love to see it again. I might not even like the patterns anymore but it really saddens me that I lost it.
But at least I have my Galliano now.
for now
Ruby xxx
Charlie looks gorgeous in those berets - I hope she's proud of her handiwork! And that Galliano pattern is gorgeous - I can't wait to see how it knits up.
Those berets are sooo pretty! And your daughter is an excellent model :)
And that sweater is to die for!!!!
Such great berets, very nice on the model too, she looks great. I wish I was going to IKnit day :( Never mind, have a great time. x
Oh I recognise your daughter from iKnit day! She looked so chic in the fashion show!
Hi Ruby,
Having seen John Galliano's cross cable sweater, is there a way to get a copy of the pattern as it's fantastic.
Hi Ruby,
I am very interesting in the Galliano's cross-cable sweater...
How can I find the pattern ? Do you share it ?
I'm still dreaming of the John Galliano pattern. I have some beautiful Edina Ronay patterns from the 1980's. Would you be interested in doing an exchange for one of them?
I’ve been trying to get hold of the “Plum Line” pattern and found info via Ravelry. The info on Ravelry says the pattern was in Elle 1986 March issue. I had the genius idea of looking on Ebay where I found the Issue and bought it. Very excited when package arrived today, I opened the to the back page and unfortunately the info on Ravelry is not correct and I wasted £13! (The pattern is called Red and Admirable by Patricia Roberts. Elle Designer Knit/4)Please let me know if you have any information to help find the correct issue.
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