I have no idea what it is about that room. But it has to be resolved as I have nowhere else to go. I, once again, am not connected to my printer or my scanner as they are in 'my' room and I really don't want us eating our dinner around the Mac on a regular basis.
Has anyone else experienced problems like this? And if so, how was it resolved?
Unfortunately, Paris has had to be postponed until February but to make up for it we're going to go for a week which will be lovely.
I also had lovely posts and treats planned for christmas and new year, which didn't happen, so they'll just have to be January pick me ups once I get everything connected again.
I have however, been busy knitting, sewing, reading and cooking and will have lots to show in the next few weeks. Like many other people I managed to get to John Lewis and got some bargains. Two lots of Rowan 4 ply soft - both for A Stitch in Time projects, a pack of Rowan Wool Cotton - undecided what this is for, and not in the sale, 8 balls of Rowan Pure Organic Cotton to make this one from A Stitch in Time

Its called Made So Quickly, and does knit up really quickly. I've gone for the same soft peachy/salmon colour as the original as I really really like it.

I particularly like the way the front is knitted in one piece but divided to give that cardigan feel.
On New Year's Day I treated myself to a good long read of one of my favourite books "I Capture the Castle" by Dodie Smith.

Seen through the eyes of 17 year old Cassandra, life at the remote castle and the changes that take place in a few months are exquisitely described. Each character is developed fully and the story engrosses you completely. But most of all, I love the 'everydayness' that is described. Doing the washing and ironing, accidentally burning the porridge whilst arguing. Its so natural and real and helps evoke perfectly the atmosphere of 1930s rural britain. You feel yourself transported back in time and long to be a part of their life. I can't recommend it enough.
Whilst at John Lewis I bought two Vintage Vogue patterns.I have been looking and looking for about two years for the perfect camel coat and finally found this pattern from the 1950s which is exactly what I have been looking for

and also this gorgeous suit from 1944 which I just couldn't resist

and which will go so well with my vintage knits. I certainly won't be wearing the fur wrap but maybe the little hat?
for now
Ruby xxx
What kind of router are you using? Is it possible to move it closer to your office?
Dear Ruby, I have encountered the problems you´re mentionnig: my studio is on last floor, the router/phone connection two floors down, and I could never get any proper wireless connection up there. Easy solution was to have the internet going through already existing cables (in my case electricity). This is made really easily with a so-called Devolo. http://www.devolo.com/co_EN/index.html
It´s worth the money ! Good luck ! And happy new year !
Ruby - I LOVE the book I Capture the Castle. I bought it at a rummage sale as a teenager, and was completely captivated by the characters just as you were. Did you see the movie version made of it a few years ago? Can't remember who starred in it, but you could probably turn up that information pretty easily.
Your pattern acquisitions are lovely; I have a real thing for the great lines of vintage clothing, too.
I love the vintage patterns, the hat is so nice.
Friends of ours have a booster on their wireless? I don't have a clue but someone might know about them?
I have no idea about the internet thing, but I do know that here in the US, Vogue has patterns available for vintage hats. My set is pattern V8175 and there are a few others, as well.
No fur wrap? I like to wear my grandmother's mink jacket with jeans. Very impractical. But so much fun!
I just finished making that suit for my wife out of some vintage Donegal tweed I found. I altered the construction to include more traditional tailoring, and it looks fantastic. We've got the pattern for that coat, too, but haven't found the right material yet.
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