My lovely finished Phyllo has been worn and admired. Here she is:

I'm just so pleased with it, the fit is perfect, the length is perfect, and I love, love, love the yoke

I don't even mind the stocking stitch edge. It somehow seems to fit in with the design. I wanted to completely give myself over to a pattern without making any adjustments, even minor ones, and see how successful it was. I knew I could trust Norah.
I have also finished the back and part way up the front of Sloppy Joe

Not quite as quick a knit as you might imagine, as you have to use a cable needle to twist the dropped stitches round each other, which is kinda fiddly and slow, but the finished result is lovely. The Rowan Cocoon yarn is just gorgeous and I'm already thinking what I can use it for next. However, its not the most exciting garment to photograph at the moment, so I will probably leave it till a big reveal when its finished.
I have yet to cast on tree jacket for the sexy knitters KAL, as can't decide on yarn, likewise the silver belle KAL which I've also joined as I haven't enough of the yarn I was going to use, particularly as I'm going to make it longer.

I have also signed up to Wardrobe Refashion for two months. If you don't know about it let me explain. You pledge not to buy anything new (there are certain exceptions - footwear and handcrafted items - you can also buy yarn and fabric) and make or refashion what you need for whatever period you sign up for. I joined last week for two months and have found that it is making me not buy. Which is really, really good as finances are a bit tight at the moment. It will also finish early December so I can treat myself to a christmas dress. Saying that I may make this one if I can find anywhere that stocks the pattern.

Its from blue sky alpacas but I can't find it at any of the UK stockists that I know about. If anyone knows where I can get it do let me know.
Otherwise, I'm working on an idea based on this gorgeous dress by Nicole Farhi.

I have a plain black jersey dress which could be refashioned into this dress very easily and may very well mean I don't even need to buy anything for christmas.
I'm also working on some submission ideas for Knitscene and Interweave but obviously, can't share these. Really like them though, hope they do too.
I've also got at least one design to get finished for knitonthenet but am not quite there yet. In the immortal words of Clive Dunne, "Don't panic Captain Mainwaring. Don't panic!"
for now
Ruby xx
Love the yoke, too. What design is it? Norah Gaughan?
Isn't Phyllo lovely, it looks so wearable and a great colour. I will keep my eyes peeled for the gown pattern, I havn't seen it before.
Phyllo looks gorgeous! I love that color and you did a beautiful job with it. On the not buying anything new pledge, I need to join that with respect to yarn. After this weekend's adventure, I really shouldn't buy yarn for about another year!
Wow so much to share! Great job on the Phyllo..I love it when simple things make such a statement. Can't wait to see the Sloppy Joe.....that gown is amazing...are you really going to knit it (if you find the yarn that is).....still crunching numbers for my knitonthenet pattern...I'll be a little relieved when it's done...and I'll be joining you with the Knitscene submissions!
You can definitely get some Blue Sky at Stash in Putney, as well as Loop in Islington have it. I think those are the only places in London that do, but you'll be coming down here soon...
A packet is leaving for you, please let me know when you get it :) It should take a week or so...
I recently filled in all the forms to stock blue shy alpacas. They sent me an email a few days later - 'we have analysed the market and feel that we have sufficient coverage. We value exclusivity and so we will deny your application to stock our range.'
I was amazed. I didn't even know I was making an application! Anyway, sorry I just had to share that - down with BSA!
What a great Idea to put Knitted Sleeves on a black Dress--I love it---Good Luck with your Design Submissions...
Your Phyllo is so pretty. i really like the color too. great online store, they stock blue sky alpaca, hope this helps
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