A lot at this point I'm not able to talk about but due to some of this my mum hadn't told me she had fallen, narrowly avoiding breaking her hip! She is bruised all down her right side and is pretty shaken. The saddest thing is she didn't tell me, because she thought I had enough on my plate. My poor mum! I have been to see her this evening and we spent a very pleasant few hours together culminating in a big knitting discussion which was most enjoyable.
I had to break my evening up somewhat though to rush off to a local store where my daughter had lost her very expensive mobile phone. (Which had been her bridesmaids present at our wedding). I left my phone number with a shop assistant who looked about nine and not very interested and gave up hope. And then about 8.30 this evening my phone rang and a young man told me his granddad had found the phone but took it home with him as he didn't like the look of the shop assistant! He rang the store and they gave him my contact number. This is the second time she has lost this lovely phone and both times some wonderful kind soul has found it and returned it to us. It restores your faith in human nature.
With the rather traumatic week I've had to date I haven't got photos from my knitting adventures or my holi-me-days to show yet but will post again very soon. In the meantime here is a picture of my Italian Lace curtain for www.knitonthenet.com

You can't see the pattern that well on this big picture but if you have a look at the pattern
there's a better shot.
It's not a sit and natter knit. The pattern does require some concentration but the effect is beautiful. It is however quite easy to adapt to different window/door sizes and then just carry on until its long enough or you've lost the will to live. I'm looking at using the pattern in a garment but haven't quite decided how yet.
We did get to spend a lovely day here

at Sizergh castle just up the road from our caravan. There is renovation work being done on the tower roof and you can watch the work live through cameras attached to computers inside the castle. Really fascinating stuff.
I'm going to go to bed now as this week has left me quite quite shattered and rather saddened.
night night sleep tight
for now
Ruby xx